education re-imagined...
Our center offers a therapeutic and holistic approach to education, combining one-on-one, high-impact tutoring and recreational activities for co-ed homeschoolers aged 13 and above on a full-time basis.
This groundbreaking initiative is the first of its kind in Kenya!
Our non-traditional education program is centered around curating an interactive learning journey tailored to each learner's unique needs and aspirations. Our vision is to make learning easy and dare we say it... fun!
Our approach is universally beneficial for learners from diverse backgrounds. It is especially effective for those who struggle in traditional educational environments and has also shown remarkable success with neurodiverse learners with 'mild' diagnoses.
We have a three-pronged strategy to achieve our mission:
- Addressing the common frustration faced by parents in finding learner-centered systems especially for struggling learners;
- Utilizing evidence-led practices to address key issues in education;
- Providing a platform for philanthropic individuals to support inclusive education and help marginalized learners excel in school.
It's a WHOLE new WORLD!
One-on-one tutoring is widely recognized as one of the most effective teaching methods. Learners who benefit from this approach have a wonderful opportunity to succeed in school and in life. RRR has elevated this by introducing the "box of delights." This box brims with a learner's deepest passions, interests, talents, aspirations, and more, carefully curated for them. Our adept tutors harness these delights to craft bespoke lesson plans, sparking joy and motivation as learners witness their beloved pursuits seamlessly woven into their learning journey, resulting in improved focus and retention and a delightful learning experience.
There exists a treasure trove of invaluable educational research from across the globe yet to be optimally harnessed for the benefit of education in Kenya. RRR is honored to have distinguished educational and action researchers leading the way, equipped to leverage existing research and embark on new studies. We proactively implement powerful approaches such as high-impact tutoring and explicit instruction, while continuously engaging in action research to personalize our support for each learner, ensuring their flourishing.
breaking free!
For many learners who face challenges within traditional educational systems, the burden of grades, age expectations, and time constraints can be overwhelming. Despite their individuality, diverse learning styles and abilities, learners are often required to meet the same standards within a fixed timeframe. This can result in learners being hurried through the system, leading to numerous individuals slipping through the cracks and experiencing significant knowledge gaps. At RRR, we have devised an approach that transcends the confines of age, grade levels, and arbitrary time limits.
improved attitude towards learning & school
improved self-esteem & confidence
It's a well known fact that one-on-one tutoring helps overcome learning obtacles and improves academic performance - 8 out of 10 learners who are tutored get better grades. Other less prevalent yet incredibly important benefits include:
improved social & behavioural skills
enhanced independence & responsibility
We have consciously integrated wellness and enrichment elements into our daily schedule to help learners and staff perform at their best in all aspects - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Click HERE for a comprehensive exploration of all things RRR wellness.
Every day, we strive to embody our core values in everything we do - Fun & Joy, Community & Belonging, Organization & Structure, Learning & Discovery, Ambition & Achievement, and Growth & Development.
We're very (very) picky about who we hire. Our tutors are experts in their subject matter, as well as being kind, patient, and considerate, and double as cool older role models for our learners.
No parent should have to settle for less than the best education option for their child...
Join our community and experience a personalized educational journey of wholesome growth and development.